Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Full week of classes... What's that?

So, there's yet another event at the school this week. We're hosting a nation-wide basketball tournament. For the past two days, we went from 50 minute classes to 40 minute classes so the kids could go rehearse for the opening ceremony. Today, we are also on a 40 minute schedule, but if the kids ask to go to watch the games we can give them permission. If we want to. Hah.
I went up for my first class, and 8 of my kids showed. I sat at the desk waiting for about 10 minutes when one of them came up to me and told me that the boys were away at camp (some JROTC thing I think), and "could they... free... to... to... cheer! To cheer at basketball?" So of course I said no, get your butts in this class by golly I'll just teach the 8 of you. 
In another dimension, maybe. I didn't really feel like teaching today anyway hahaha. I'm glad this country likes to make it easy on me. I had another class right after that one, but I waited for about 25 minutes and nobody showed. Finally I was on my way back to the office when I hear someone call down at me from the floor I'd just been waiting on. "Oh, teachaaaa!" they called. There were only 3 of them, and the others stopped along the sidewalk as they'd just been on their way to the stairs. I just waved and pointed, didn't even bother making them ask. When they understood their faces just beamed and they all bowed and said "Thank you teachaa! Thaaaaank you!" 
Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
I've gone to watch some of these games, and there are some BIG girls on these basketball teams. Thailand is really not a land of short people.
And as stated in the title, I have yet to have a single week since I got here in which I have seen every one of my classes I was supposed to. 
On another bright note, one of my classes has specifically asked me to teach them tenses (like past continuous and perfect tenses), because apparently they had them on the midterm and didn't know them. I love it when they know what they want me to teach, it helps me immensely.

Yesterday Dr. Nirund and Maaw Pet and Dr. Walker and his wife Beth all came for a short meeting and a visit. The meeting at school seemed pretty good, they just asked how we were fitting in, how our teaching was. Then we went out to dinner. Naturally, we took them to one of our favorite places that we can't afford very often... It was delicious, we all just ordered something and passed it around. We had chicken with cashews, a sweet and sour fish dish, pork spareribs (some with garlic, yum!), pad thai with omlette, frog in curry sauce (yes, frog, and it was also delicious), panko shrimp with chili sauce... There were more dishes but I forget what. And we got french fries, one of the few things I crave that I can actually get. Since it was Alli's birthday, Maaw Pet surprised her with a cake and bouquet of roses. It was really sweet. And I never say no to more cake!

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